'Aus dem Nichts' Theatre

Two theatre makers and performers presenting a work-in-progress performance of their devised work. They have spent the past year training in physical theatre together at LISPA/Arthaus in Berlin in collaboration with the Rose Burford College in London. Both performers explore in their work what the 'I' is and how we construct it in society. How do we form and hold an identity? Adopting a poetic and embodied theatrical language, they will each present solo performances as a culmination of their MA studies.

‘Let the Actress Die’: by Bethan Davidson is a solo performance exploring the construction of a character who can highlight the great and ever-relevant struggle of forming and maintaining an ‘Identity’. What fractures appear when the ‘I’ we build for society no longer fits the ‘I’ that we have become?
+- 45 min

‘The Ship of Theseus’: By Josje Eijkenboom is a solo project exploring the quest of Identity and change. A woman is trapped between the tensions caused by her desire to move
forward in fulfilling her dreams versus her desire for continuity and immutability
and the inescapability of change in contact with time. Longing and belonging in a constant push and pull. ‘If I go through change Am I still the same person?’
+- 30 min

'Aus dem Nichts' Theatre

05 september 2019 20:30 t/m 22:45

Theater VIER

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