Brother B & Willow Hifi invites:


Playing on the FULL STACK of Willow Hifi
Reggae & Dub Soundsystem in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Special guests: MIss Dinomyte & Professor Barabas

About Kibir La Amlak:
Initially making his mark as a RasTafari roots reggae selector, sound operator, and music producer, Kibir La Amlak drew attention by presenting his in-house studio works at the UK's premier dub events, on a heavyweight reggae sound system that he meticulously crafted himself. This distinctive approach and deep connection to his music laid the foundation for the 'Kibir La Amlak - Live Dub Experience.' An immersive, spring-reverberated, tape-delayed journey, in which he leads listeners through a reinterpreted, dubbed-out live remix of his discography. Renowned for its hypnotic and spiritual qualities, in which rapid tempo shifts and eclectic influences blend in a synergy of dubwise experimentation, rich instrumentation, and uncompromising sound system delivery. An experience he has now shared far and wide after years of global touring.


24 mei 2024 21:00 t/m 04:00

Skatepark Waalhalla Nijmegen

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