Tin Men and the Telephone | It's About Time

A blend of several styles? Beautiful compositions?
Virtuosic players improvising into unknow territories?
Interactive visuals?
Sure, they do all that, but Tin Men and the Telephone do much more. They’re Creactive. Innovative. Interactive. Futuristic.

“It’s About Time!” is their latest show, which explores the concept of time in their trademark style, combining music, visuals and cutting-edgetechnology.

Tin Men bring the modern world into Jazz.
Still, it is Jazz. 21st Century Jazz.
It’s About Time!

Tony Roe: Piano & Electronics
Pat Cleaver: Bas
Jamie Peet: Drums

Tin Men and the Telephone | It's About Time

22 maart 2024 20:30 t/m 21:45


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