Sites of memory - Changing portraits


Sites of Memory - Changing Portraits is a theatrical boat trip regarding the hidden stories of slavery and the colonial history of Amsterdam. Professional and amateur players work together and take take a fresh look into the history, with the primary focus on “Changing portraits”. Portraits of people from the 17th century till present. Prominent figures, but also those people who remained invisible are being highlighted. The tour passes through various locations in the historic city center, where actors, on board and from the docks, bring to life stories from ancient times through poetry, dance and music. A search into our shared history.

Sites of Memory is a collaboration between Amsterdam Roots, Afrovibes, Poetry Circle Nowhere and Black Heritage Tours.

The tour will be in English, but will also contain poetry and performances in Dutch. Before the tour we will meet at 20:00 at Herenmarkt 91, on the square behind the West-Indisch Huis. For more information, take a look on our website ( and social media (!

Fotocredits: coverfoto: Rien de Jager; event foto: Haluk Can Yasan

Sites of memory - Changing portraits

03 juli 2018 20:00 t/m 22:00

De grachten van Amsterdam / 20:00 - 22:00

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