Regency Ball at Schielandshuis

The Ball is in honour of Napoleon who stayed at Schielandshuis for 2 nights with his wife Marie Louise 25 - 27 October 1811. The Ball will be held the 28th,the day after.
There will be a danceworkshop at 2-4pm with Dance master and choreographer Lieven Baert who will guide us through the dances during the ball too.
7.30 pm start reception in the Hall, with coffee & tea
8.00-12.30 pm Ball with Dance master Lieven Baert and musicians from ‘Das Neue Mannheimer Orchester’
12.30 pm carriages
Dresscode: Regency/Empire,1795-1815 attire

Regency Ball at Schielandshuis

28 oktober 2023 07:30 t/m 23:59


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