Raffi Feghali | Halim Al-Hakawati (EN)

BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages! SILENCE! Never mind you have never heard of him… HE is indeed the most famous Hakawati in the world… You’re just going to have to trust him on this! SADNESS! Halim pities you should you miss this opportunity to witness his telling of tales from the legendary Kitab Al-Hikayat - The Book of Stories!

Raffi Feghali | Halim Al-Hakawati (EN)

07 maart 2025 20:15 t/m 21:15

Lindenberg Cultuurhuis


Halim Al-Hakawati (EN)
€ 15,00*
Start: 07 mrt 2025 20:15Eind: 21:15
BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages!
CJP/Student/Bieb | Halim Al-Hakawati (EN)
€ 10,00*
Start: 07 mrt 2025 20:15Eind: 21:15
BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages!
(This ticket is only valid in combination with a CJP / Student or Library (OBGZ) card).
DUO Ticket (limited) | Halim Al-Hakawati (EN)
€ 20,00*
Start: 07 mrt 2025 20:15Eind: 21:15
BEHOLD! Halim, the Hakawati – a storyteller for the ages!
(Bring a Friend! This ticket gives TWO people access to the performance)


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*Inclusief max. €0,79 servicekosten per ticket. Exclusief transactiekosten per bestelling (meest gekozen: iDeal á €0,35).