Judith Nijland 'A Jazz Tribute To ABBA'

Do you like jazz and surprises? Then you'll love A Jazz Tribute to ABBA. Dutch jazz singer Judith Nijland turned Waterloo into a jazz ballad and put swing to Money, Money, Money. The ABBA songs remain intact, but jazz takes over. And ABBA will never sound quite the same again.

Judith and her band played A Jazz Tribute to ABBA in sold out shows all over the world. And now they're back. Because this year it's 50 years ago ABBA had their massive hit Waterloo.

Judith Nijland - vocal
Tico Pierhagen - piano
Pieter Althuis - double bass
Arie den Boer - drums

Judith Nijland 'A Jazz Tribute To ABBA'

08 december 2024 16:00 t/m 18:00

D'n Hiemel


Judith Nijland 'A Jazz Tribute To ABBA'
€ 18,29*
Start: 08 dec 2024 16:00Eind: 18:00
Do you like jazz and surprises? Then you'll love A Jazz Tribute to ABBA. Dutch jazz singer Judith Nijland turned Waterloo into a jazz ballad and put swing to Money, Money, Money. The ABBA songs remain intact, but jazz takes over. And ABBA will never sound quite the same again.


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*Inclusief max. €0,79 servicekosten per ticket. Exclusief transactiekosten per bestelling (meest gekozen: iDeal á €0,35).